The adventures of Mini-me Hulk
Hello to my blog Mini-me Hulk and the adventures of, this is about my life and constantly failing to get in the spot light, get noticed by others in the street ,all out fame and generally failing at every attempt and the hilarious, sometimes SAD sequence of events that surround them.
Hello to my blog Mini-me Hulk and the adventures of, this is about my life and constantly failing to get in the spot light, get noticed by others in the street ,all out fame and generally failing at every attempt and the hilarious, sometimes SAD sequence of events that surround them.
First the health and safety warning for those reading this. You may feel this is about YOU there may be personality traits contained in this blog that you see in yourself or you have been accused of by your friends, family and foes alike, when you have come a cropper trying to spread your web of deceit for your own selfish gain.
Don’t worry everyone thinks your C(o)nt anyway but if you do continue reading, don’t blame me If I’m flagging up your personality traits. My blog, this is just my personal expression. Complaining to the site admin that it’s not fair they're taking the piss out of me will get you nowhere you Dwarf just don’t read it and suck it in as my mate Peter would say.
The Harry H Corbett Tribute scam
The Harry H Corbett Tribute scam
Not long ago I tried to piggy back and take over a memorial night for Harry H Corbett the man that brought Sooty and Sweep to our TVs. I know what you’re thinking, why try to make out that someone else’s hard work and dedication was all my own work when I had done nothing but just brag and blag my way in. Well I’m going to tell you in this blog. Not just the Corbett scam but many others. Like the time I tried to sing a song on TV for a bluff charity and screwed it up with a bum note the minute the cameras started to roll. I just could not reach the microphone it was not my fault. How the production team and everyone watching laughed at me.
The turbulent time I had with my girlfriend when she said I was stalking her at 3AM in the morning, simply not true, I was just walking past her home. Ok, Ok I live miles away with my mum and sister, also have no job as now Star Wars is over there is less call for Jawa or Ework extras and Ken Dodd went down for Tax things years ago so work dried up for me. (Disclaimer not my fault) I did try to get on the Hulk set as you will read later in the Blog but that is for another time.
As for the stalking women thing, I just got on the wrong bus and got off at the very stop where she lived and scratched at her windows but that was because I knew one of the borrowers who lived there as well, and that was the special sign I had to use. Why can’t I visit them thay have a wiki entry and I want to know why I cant get one?
I love Harry H Corbett, without him I would not be the unbalanced individual that I am today. He taught me life skills that I have carried on into adult life. Harry H Corbett was introduced to me by Ken Dodd many years ago when I was trying to get famous playing one of the diddy men in Knotty ash. even they could get a Wiki entry and not get taken off for being insignificant.....unlike me much later, but that is for another time, what I will say is the BASTARDS TOOK ME OFF THE XMAS ANNUAL 1974... FUCKERS
The Others, Mick the Marmalizer, Nigel Ponsonby Smallpiece and Wee Hamish Mcdiddy hated me as Ken thought I was the dogs bollox for telling him all their secrets behind their backs. Once I made out that I saw Smallpiece and Mcdiddy touch Little Even, one of the lesser known of the diddy clan on his 'special place' and drinking fizzy pop and swearing at kids just before a show. It was a lie but it got me in with the boss.
Ken used to sit me on his knee and smoke rolled up five pound notes in front of me, sucking direct from a sherbet dib-dab pot (no liquorish stick, hard core was Ken), he would tell me tales about how he taught Stephen Fry everything he knew and how he would be nothing without Kens years of experience in the business, but as always Harry H Corbett would end up as the main topic of his sugar ravaged rants. There was a distinctive hateful but jealous tone in his voice when he went off on one. "Corbett this", "Corbett that" and as for his son Mathew, well I best not say anymore but just think 'Brides Head Revisited' mixed with 'Blackadder 2' with a pinch of 'Some Mothers do Avam', I’m sure you get my drift.
Despite Kens rants I admired Harry; he took puppetry to another level with Sooty (the lovable bear with the wand) who had a best friend Sweep, the dozy dog who got up to all sorts of scamps and jolly japes with his water pistol.
I wanted to be on the show and get on the team with Harry H but Ken was having none of it and would not let me go. He would go quite mad at the thought. He had other plans for me. The ratings were flagging and he needed new sketches, I told him I could do a new character called mini-me Hulk, this was after watching an episode of the Hulk with Lou Ferrigno and Bill Bixby . I said I could change from Melaka Bediddy Wankorth the not so popular to the Mini-Me Hulk the raging Green homo. I described how Nigel Ponsonby Smallpiece could say the secret word to set me off, I said to use him so I could be the main focus of the show and take some of his notoriety from him.
Ken loved it but both Marmalizer and Ponsonby Smallpiece grassed me up to Universal Studios under some copyright thing and Lou Ferrigno threatened me and said he would kick my back doors in...."rite hard". Then I was kidnapped by Hamish Mcdiddy and put in a skip (although the urban myth is that it was a bin), I never saw Ken again.
Well there is much more and I will wait until another time to tell you more there are loads of famous people that I will name drop but you will have to wait. For now ......bye bye for now.....Bye Bye

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2TE0UzieDg ENJOY
You know where it says view your profile photo full size? I thought that was full-size?? confused..
ReplyDeleteI love your BLOG. My Prince is from London and we have the best time together when we go there. We have one kiddo in London and One in Wales.
ReplyDeleteI now HAVE to follow your BLOG. Stop in on mine when you get a chance. I think that you will find today's post amusing. It's about speaking The King's English.
Thanks for the amazing post.
Thanks fellow bloggers and stand by for my next blog about the time I stalked Jane out of Rod,Jane and Freddy fame.
ReplyDeleteSadly some people cannot read and have taken offence. thinking I was referring to them as I said in my into to this first blog this is my opinion, rant about an insignificant no-body.
For those who cannot read, not that bright or just cannot reach the computer monitor in the cyber cafe to read it well.
Here you go again
You may feel this is about YOU there may be personality traits contained in this blog that you see in yourself or you have been accused of by your friends, family and foes alike, when you have come a cropper trying to spread your web of deceit for your own selfish gain.
Don't worry everyone thinks your C(o)nt anyway but if you do continue reading, don't blame me If I'm flagging up your personality traits. My blog, this is just my personal expression. Complaining to the site admin that it’s not fair they're taking the piss out of me will get you nowhere you Dwarf just don't read it and suck it in as my mate Peter would say.
Just watched the you tube plug. So funny. More. more
ReplyDeletewicked man PMSL
ReplyDeleteThank you. More adventures are in the process. Stay tuned